Stuff We Like :: 7.27.18

Is it really almost August?


It's the last week of our high school curriculum sale! You know how you have an idea for a project, and it just keeps growing and growing? Yeah, that’s kind of what happened here. The full curriculum is clocking in at eleven volumes and nearly 2,000 pages, but I’m pretty pleased with how it came together.

The summer issue is out!

This week in summer reading: What to read next if you need a little more magic in your life.

Looking for a science study? Rebecca reviews The Science of Climate Change, a science topic that feels particularly important these days.

one year ago: Suzanne celebrates the joys of summer reading. Plus: What to read next if you love Roald Dahl.

two years ago: How to make P.E. part of your homeschool. Also: What to read next if you loved the Warriors series.

three years ago: Your child doesn’t have to be a homeschool poster child. And: What to read next if you loved Harriet the Spy.

four years ago: You have all the time you need.



Martha Gellhorn is so cool, and this makes me want to take “Hills Like White Elephants” off my reading list and sub in some of her reporting.

More people should do this! Tracee Ellis Ross annoys everyone by asking if the housework part of her character’s script is actually part of the story and not just gratuitous wife-making-dinner.

I find roundups like this endlessly fascinating: The handwriting of famous people

I know I’m an old-fashioned editor at this point, but this kind of thing drives me crazy. Let’s be honest about what we're covering and why.



I’ve been up to my ears this week editing the high school curriculum for its final print run. As I mentioned, it kind of outgrew me a little, so it’s been a particularly busy week—good-busy but definitely busy-busy. That’s about all I’ve got to talk about this week, though, which makes me a little boring.

(We’re Amazon affiliates, so if you purchase something through an Amazon link, we may receive a small percentage of the sale. Obviously this doesn’t influence what we recommend, and we link to places other than Amazon.)

Amy Sharony

Amy Sharony is the founder and editor-in-chief of home | school | life magazine. She's a pretty nice person until someone starts pluralizing things with apostrophes, but then all bets are off.


The Bigger Picture of Multiple Intelligences


Curriculum Review: The Science of Climate Change