37 Fun Ways to Celebrate the First Day of Homeschool

It's that time again! We've rounded up some great ways to celebrate your first day of the new homeschool year, whether you want to keep it simple at home or take a big adventure together.

37 Fun Ways to Celebrate the First Day of Homeschool

Those yellow school buses and crowded bus stops are a sign that school is back for traditionally schooled kids, but how do you celebrate the first day in your homeschool? We homeschool year-round, but we still make a big deal out of our First Official Day of the new school year. Is it just an excuse to buy fun school supplies and eat ice cream? Maybe, but it’s something we all look forward to, and little celebrations are an important part of homeschool life. If you’re looking for a little First Day of Homeschool inspiration, one of these ideas might be just right for your homeschool celebration.

  1. Go roller skating.

  2. Visit a paint-your-own pottery studio to create a special back-to-school souvenir.

  3. Have a backyard campout.

  4. Give everyone a small budget, and hit a flea market to refresh your homeschool space for the new year.

  5. Spend the whole day in your pajamas.

  6. Work on a volunteer project together.

  7. Plant a container garden.

  8. Drive to the nearest river and go tubing.

  9. Set your alarm to wake up and watch the sunrise together. (You can take a nap later!)

  10. Go out for a fancy brunch.

  11. Ask everyone to make a First Day of School mixtape and trade your mixes.

  12. Take a hot air balloon ride.

  13. Have a karaoke party.

  14. Make a first-day-of-school time capsule.

  15. Take back-to-school photos.

  16. Compete in a backyard Olympics competition.

  17. Write a letter to yourself to open on the last day of the school year.

  18. Go geocaching.

  19. Pull out your art supplies, and create self-portraits.

  20. Make new school year’s resolutions.

  21. Take a day hike.

  22. Have a karaoke party.

  23. Paint a mural.

  24. Dress up in last year's Halloween costumes.

  25. See a movie matinee.

  26. Have a backyard luau.

  27. Build and launch rockets.

  28. Bake and decorate a back-to-school cake.

  29. Have a tea party.

  30. Wash your car.

  31. Decorate your driveway with sidewalk chalk.

  32. Take a personality test, and compare results. (Try the Enneagram or the Myers Briggs test.)

  33. Fill up your wall calendar with holidays, birthdays, events, and celebrations you are looking forward to this year. (Our monthly inspiration guides can help you out with this!)

  34. Solve a jigsaw puzzle together.

  35. Write your autobiography.

  36. Go shopping for school supplies.

  37. Make official school t-shirts.

Amy Sharony

Amy Sharony is the founder and editor-in-chief of home | school | life magazine. She's a pretty nice person until someone starts pluralizing things with apostrophes, but then all bets are off.


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