Clean Up Your Computer

February 11 is National Clean Out Your Computer Day, but do you really need an excuse? Get all those curriculum plans, worksheets, and other great ideas organized so you can find them when you need them.

how to organize your computer for homeschooling

A messy computer can be as frustrating as a messy bookshelf — you know you’ve got that Roman history download somewhere, but where the heck is it? Especially if you’re prone to download freebies just-in-case (and who isn’t?), your computer can end up a tangled mess. Take an hour to get organized this winter using the following steps:

Delete duplicate files. You can search, but the quickest way to track down dupes is with an app such as Duplicate Detective.

Set up a file hierarchy. Three big folders is ideal: one for personal stuff, one for learning-related stuff, and one for friends and family stuff is a good set up for many homeschoolers.

Make sub folders. In your homeschool folder, for instance, you might have a history folder that contains folders like World History, European History, Asian History, and U.S. History, with folders inside those relating to specific events or time periods.

Delete your downloads folder every few months. This is a practical way to free up space.

Keep a desktop folder. I like a clean desktop, but I’m also a person who always has a lot of desktop folders going. I minimize the clutter by stashing all my desktop files in one Desktop folder. 

Delete programs you aren’t using. We’re always downloading stuff for classes or based on recommendations — that we use once and then never again. Deleting them once a year frees up a lot of space on your hard drive.

Consider moving your photos. An external hard drive or cloud folder gets them off your computer hard drive.

Always name your files. Thoughtful names are the key to an organized computer — name that curriculum file History of Rome- Cicero’s Speech Analysis, not HoR-C. In three years when you’re trying to find this file again, you’ll be glad you gave it a name that’s easy to search for.

Actually clean your computer. Dust the keyboard, wipe down the screen, and disinfect your mouse. You’ll be amazed what a difference it makes! 

Amy Sharony

Amy Sharony is the founder and editor-in-chief of home | school | life magazine. She's a pretty nice person until someone starts pluralizing things with apostrophes, but then all bets are off.


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