week 3 Amy Sharony week 3 Amy Sharony

Week 3

Let’s jump into Emerson, analyze Dickinson, side-eye the Pilgrims, and stretch our brains this week!


  • Watch Lecture 3

  • Read and annotate the selection from Nature in your philosophy guide


  • Watch Lecture 3.1 and 3.2

  • (You can watch the Lab Safety Violations video in 3.1. here.)

  • Complete the Silver Tree Lab (in your student guide)

  • Read your textbook assignment for this week

  • Use the lecture and your reading to make this week’s textbook pages


  • Watch Lecture 3

  • Read your textbook for week 3 (here’s a pdf)

  • Read and annotate the primary sources for week 3 in your guide


  • Read the poems for week 3

  • Write a 1-paragraph analysis of one poem using the guidelines in your student guide



  • Watch Lecture 3.1 and 3.2.

  • Write your current event summary for this week

  • Read and annotate the primary sources for week 3 in your guide

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