Week 3
Watch Lecture 3
Read and annotate the selection from Nature in your philosophy guide
Watch Lecture 3.1 and 3.2
(You can watch the Lab Safety Violations video in 3.1. here.)
Complete the Silver Tree Lab (in your student guide)
Read your textbook assignment for this week
Use the lecture and your reading to make this week’s textbook pages
Watch Lecture 3
Read your textbook for week 3 (here’s a pdf)
Read and annotate the primary sources for week 3 in your guide
Read the poems for week 3
Write a 1-paragraph analysis of one poem using the guidelines in your student guide
Take your chapter 7 vocabulary quiz
Watch the Week 3 grammar lectures
Work through the Week 3 grammar exercises
Watch Lecture 3.1 and 3.2.
Write your current event summary for this week
Read and annotate the primary sources for week 3 in your guide