How Can I Tell If a Homeschool Group is Really Secular?

How Can I Tell If a Homeschool Group is Really Secular?

We’re new homeschoolers, and we’ve already had a bad experience with a group that turned out to be super-religious when we attended an event. How can we tell in the future if a group is religious or secular?

It seems obvious, but the best way to tell whether a group is really secular is just to ask: “We’re secular homeschoolers — is this an inclusive group?” Most group leaders aren’t going to have a problem answering a direct question, and you’ll know right away what the tone of the group is.

If the group leaders avoids or talks around the question, you can push for a specific answer — “Cool, but we will be the only non-religious homeschoolers there?” or “Are there any religious ceremonies, like group prayers, that happen at the park day?” — but avoiding answering is a kind of answer, too.

If you’re uncomfortable asking, it’s worth overcoming your discomfort — it really is the best and most effective way to get the information you are looking for. But if you’re determined not to ask, you can search the messages or posts of the group for words like “Apologia,” “church,” “modesty,” or “pray.” It’s not sure-fire, but it can certainly give you a clue.

Amy Sharony

Amy Sharony is the founder and editor-in-chief of home | school | life magazine. She's a pretty nice person until someone starts pluralizing things with apostrophes, but then all bets are off.


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