Resolved: You have the right to homeschool the way that works for your family. Period.
What do you do when you discover that a book you grew up loving isn’t the book you remembered? Luckily, there are so many great books now for middle and YA readers that you won’t have much trouble finding a replacement that you’re genuinely excited to share with your kids.

Get Your Secular Homeschool Gear Here!

Whether it’s looking into school options, hiring a tutor, or just finding an outside class for a specific subject, sometimes smart secular homeschooling means not doing it yourself.
These are the back-to-homeschool school supplies we’re living for this not-back-school season.
Homeschoolers want to eat all the time, especially when lunch rolls around. Sometimes, you just really need the lunch grind to be easy. Here are four strategies to simplify homeschool lunchtime.
Whether you’re a new homeschooler not sure how to get started or an experienced homeschooler looking for a little planning inspiration, these simple strategies will help you get organized for the learning year ahead.
Focus isn’t something kids are born with; it’s a skill they build through practice. So when tween and teen homeschoolers have trouble focusing, help them find concentration-building strategies that work for them.
The key to useful and accessible homeschool library: Good organization. If you want to wrangle your book collection into a well-organized library, you’re going to have to get hands-on. Here’s how.
Sometimes, the way to get the secular homeschool community you really want is to build it from the ground up. If growing community is on your to-do list, try some of these strategies to make it happen.

Home.School.Life.Now Columnists
I’m totally lucky to get to balance a job I love with hands-on homeschooling, which I also love, but hitting that balance isn’t always easy, and I’m learning to be okay with that.
When traditional school is right for one kid and homeschooling works best for another, back-to-school season can look really different. There’s plenty of room for all the options in a happy homeschool life, Carrie discovered.
Studying literature is a lot like being a detective — you’re looking for clues, hints, and details that reveal a bigger story. That’s why a high school detective fiction unit can be a great addition to your homeschool plan — and, bonus, reading detective stories is also a lot of fun. These are some of Suzanne’s favorites.
Learning together has become our family culture, and I imagine our shared education will extend far beyond their graduation. I look forward to the lessons they have in store for me. There’s so much to see from the passenger seat.
Instead of trying to be an authority who has all the answers, I get to learn with my kids and be surprised alongside them. In the process, I get to show my kids what learning looks like, in all its messy glory.
Self-care is an essential part of the homeschool equation for secular homeschool moms, and you’re going to have to be deliberate about fitting it into your days.

Things We Love Right Now in Our High School Homeschool
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We don’t know why some people think it’s OK to make rude comments and ask intrusive questions to secular homeschoolers — but we do know how to handle it in the most polite way when it (inevitably) happens.