As our resident Book Nerd, Suzanne will be introducing you to must-read new books, classics you might have forgotten about, and enough reading material to ensure that you will never, ever run out of titles for your reading list. (In fact, if we're running behind deadline this first issue, it's totally her fault for recommending Drood.)
Me in 100-ish words: I'm a nerdy forty-something ex-software-engineer homeschooling mother of four (ages 15, 13, 11, and 8). I live in north metro Atlanta with my husband, all those kids, two cats, and a dog. I also do some baby-sitting for friends, so on any given day there's an assortment of toddlers and preschoolers wandering around and getting underfoot. I'm terrible at housework (the rest of the family isn't much better), so we undergo periodic shortages of things like clean laundry and groceries, but there is always fresh reading material in the house. We recently sent the oldest kid off to the local public high school (he was homeschooled exclusively through 8th grade), which has me thinking about the next chapter in my life—though I do have a few years to go as a stay-at-home mom and most days what I hope comes next is a nap.
How I started homeschooling: When my oldest child was 3, I went to the library and checked out every book I could find on homeschooling, then put them all on my to-read stack next to the bed. About halfway through the stack, I turned to my husband and said, "I think we could do this." A couple of books further down I found The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home, and I turned to my husband and said, "This is how we're going to do it." I ordered a box of curriculum from Rainbow Resource and off we went!
My homeschool style: We started off as secular classical homeschoolers, but have grown away from that a little bit over the years as we've discovered what works best for our family. We have a fairly structured day, mostly because I'm not sure how else to fit everything in.
What a typical day looks like in my homeschool life: Make sure the kids are up around 7 a.m., so we can start with a read-aloud (snuggled in Mom's bed) at 8. Then we go downstairs to the dining room table for math and language arts (handwriting, spelling, grammar, lit, and composition). After lunch there is more reading aloud, followed by history and science, which we take in turns (one kid per day). Everyone who isn't doing history and science has independent work or reading to do. We try to finish up around 2:30 or 3 p.m. Friday is our day off for errands or just goofing around.
Favorite readaloud: I couldn't possibly pick just one! I adore Diana Wynne Jones—right now we're reading Charmed Life (vol. 1 of the Chronicles of Chrestomanci). Howl's Moving Castle is another good book to start with, if you'd like to give her a try. Also see: Eva Ibbotson, Understood Betsy, M.T. Anderson's Pals in Peril series, 101 Dalmatians (the original novel), the Narnia series, Harry Potter (of course), and I could keep going but I should probably stop...
Favorite driving music: It's a tie between Cowboy Mouth's Are You With Me? and the Refreshments' Fizzy Fuzzy Big & Buzzy.
Things I like: Doctor Who, musicals, Georgia Tech (go Jackets!), screwball comedies, Agent Dana Scully, chocolate mousse, Jane Austen, cross-stitching, Disneyworld, road trips, and checking out so many library books that I have to make two trips to the car.
Guilty pleasure: Daytime court shows. I want to be Judge Marilyn Milian when I grow up.
What I love about homeschool life: The freedom to set my own daily, weekly, and yearly schedules, so that my kids and I can spend a rainy day reading together in our pajamas, or plan a road-trip to visit Grandpa in the fall without worrying about the school calendar.
What I love about home/school/life magazine: The sense of community that I get from connecting with other homeschool parents, near and far, as we walk this path together.
It’s the end of the world as we know it — and sometimes that’s not as bad as it seems. These 10 books about the end of the world are great for starting big conversations with your high school homeschooler.
Modern Gothic, hopeful speculative YA, classic kids lit mash-up, and one of my favorite new book discoveries made May an awesome reading month.
Here’s an action-packed, steampunk-inspired YA series for teens that is great for kids who love historical fiction or books about World War II. Suzanne explains why Scott Westerfeld’s Leviathan series is summer binge reading material.
If Suzanne had to pick one book series for a desert island, the Fairyland series is the one she’d choose. Here’s why.
Teen horror, Native American mythology, and prejudice in history class are highlights in this book review roundup.
We all hope 2021 brings fewer worries, more freedom, and a return to normalcy — but much of that lies outside our control. Our reading list, on the other hand, is completely within our control, and we’ve made ours all about comfort and joy.
Some big hits (Vanderbeekers! Hilary McKay! Mexican mythology!) and misses (a 90s YA novel set in the mall that should have been awesome but wasn’t) from our late summer reading list.
It’s been a June full of light and fluffy reading fun.
Here’s what we’ve been reading lately, including a new-to-us series, a delightfully quirky new middle grades fantasy, and a grim fairytale continuation.
My reading list for May was heavy on Asian history and physics, but I also made time for some vintage discoveries, twisty (but ultimately unsatisfying mysteries), and a favorite from childhood.
What have we been reading lately? Immersive sci-fi, delightful fantasy, alternate history, and more.
It’s not as though you need an excuse to read more books, but a reading challenge can be a surprisingly fun way to mix up your regular reading list — and you can be as ambitious as you like: Complete the whole card by reading 25 books, or just score Bingo. Your 3rd grader can tackle the challenges, your high schooler can fill out her own card, and you can take this challenge on yourself. Keep your scorecards on the fridge and plan celebrations when you hit major milestones or offer prizes for the first person to get three in a row or another accomplishment you choose.
I dipped a toe into the zombie-infested waters and am having a great (and terrifying!) time exploring the genre. If you’re not typically a horror reader, I recommend giving it a try—there are books all up and down the scariness/goriness scale, and everyone can find something to suit their sensibilities.
Suzanne’s favorite graphic novels of 2019 so far include a new Lovecraft-ian horror classic, a heartwarming chronicle of … wedding planning?, and more.
School’s out for summer, and Suzanne’s reading list just keeps getting bigger.
Suzanne’s recent reads includes a Gothic-ish murder mystery, children’s literature from Isabel Allende, Lizzie Borden, and a few hyped books that just DID NOT do it for our Book Nerd.
Look! Suzanne is back! And she’s got a big list of her favorite 2019 reads so far.
I am here to tell y’all that we are living in a Golden Age of Novellas and if you haven’t yet discovered the awesomeness of these short-but-still-substantial reads you are in for a treat.
These are the books that have been giving my library card a workout recently.
Steampunk, Scoobies, spooky hotels, and more books crossed off my TBR list recently.
Metafictional madness, snarky reimagined classics, time-traveling historians, lots of classic mysteries, and more new books to start the New Year.
If you, too, are looking for a way to organize your (endless) reading lists for 2019, consider our Reading Challenge Bingo — it’s flexible enough to work for you and your younger readers and a fun way to keep track of what you’re reading throughout the year.
Intergalactic music competitions, royal biographies, and more in this week’s Library Chicken.
Middle grades screwball comedy, YA Victorian steampunk mysteries, and a little historical fiction were highlights of this week’s reading list.
Vampire bonding stories, middle grades mysteries, U.S. history, and more in this week’s Library Chicken roundup, brought to you by Amy.
The science-fiction/fantasy genre has never been more exciting — or more inclusive. Suzanne examines the new directions of an old favorite and highlights the genre’s new must-reads.
A reading roundup from our homeschool family.
Book or movie? With so many Christie adaptations and books to choose from, we’ve rounded up the cinematic cream of the crop and the stories that give the most mystery mileage.