Stuff We Like :: 7.8.16

home|school|life's Friday roundup of the best homeschool links, reads, tools, and other fun stuff has lots of ideas and resources.

The summer issue is out! And we’re pretty much happy dancing right to the pool for the rest of the summer.

around the web

Obviously, I’m totally a Mary Anne.

I cried reading this story about a Jewish family’s tea can treasure.

If you are having a rough day, I suggest you go and read about these underwear-stealing Scottish birds.

I thought this history of voracious reading was fascinating.

Elie Wiesel on All Things Considered. 


at home | school | life

in the magazine: Did we mention the summer issue is out?

in the classroom: The fall schedule is making me wish I were still in high school.

on the podcast: Suzanne and I are talking about how homeschool moms don’t get sick days.

on the blog: To go with our summer camping feature, a roundup of our favorite campfire readalouds.

on instagram: So, yeah, my whole life pretty much did revolve around the summer issue this week. 


reading list

on my night table: Baby Beanies: Happy Hats to Knit for Little Heads, Burr, A Super Upsetting Cookbook About Sandwiches, The Last Painting of Sara de Vos: A Novel

on my 14-year-old’s night table: Yotsuba&!, The Raven Boys, Fifty Dresses That Changed the World, One-Yard Wonders

on my 6-year-old’s night table: Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective

together: The Westing Game (because talking to Suzanne reminded me how much I love it), The Mark of Athena


at home

watching: Children playing in the pool

knitting: Sleeping Cedars, Baby Uggs (these are going to be my go-to bootie henceforth, and the pattern’s free!), and Elijah

playing: Badminton, badly

eating: Pork and pineapple tacos

listening: To the cicadas all night long

Amy Sharony

Amy Sharony is the founder and editor-in-chief of home | school | life magazine. She's a pretty nice person until someone starts pluralizing things with apostrophes, but then all bets are off.


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