Stuff We Like :: 4.6.18

It’s the weekend! Words cannot even express how much I like that!



I’m wondering if you might be interested in a high school curriculum I helped put together. (I'd love your opinion!)

Watch the history of our understanding of space travel evolve through these classic space movies.

A controversial question: Why does it sometimes feel like homeschoolers are so flaky?

one year ago: Shelli’s tadpole adventures (I really want to try it this year!), some of our favorite living math books, and the winner of HOMESCHOOL MADNESS 2017.

two years ago: The pleasures of spring homeschooling and a Charles Dickens reading list

three years ago: A flashback to how I homeschooled 1st grade and the everything-is-connected approach to homeschooling

four years ago: How this magazine got started



“The internet does not hate women. People hate women, and the internet allows them to do it faster, harder, and with impunity.” This is one of those great pieces that is also incredibly sad, but it’s really worth reading.

I really dug Emily Wilson’s translation of The Odyssey, and I love her even more after reading this piece about how she uses Twitter as an academic tool.

Oh my gosh, go read this if you watched Reality Bites on cable one weekend when you had the flu and realized that Ethan Hawke’s character is THE WORST and how did you miss it the first three times you watched it?

This is an absolutely fascinating piece on how we can use stories to change systems: “We need to develop new processes of collective storytelling to help us navigate these turbulent and polarizing times.”



I’m still in the throes of finals season at Jason’s school, so my reading is mostly student papers on Augustus Caesar’s leadership qualities, but I have been reading myself to sleep with Madeline Miller’s new Circe.

When the going gets tough, the not-so-tough watch Parks and Recreation and try to channel their inner Leslie Knope.



This is the time of year when I just feel tired of everything, but this year, I was actually prepared, and we’ve been working our way through The Imaginary World Of… It’s a Keri Smith book, so it’s part doodle, part imagination, and just the thing to give us a much-needed after-breakfast boost.

We’re reading Haroun and the Sea of Stories together, and it is delightful.

Amy Sharony

Amy Sharony is the founder and editor-in-chief of home | school | life magazine. She's a pretty nice person until someone starts pluralizing things with apostrophes, but then all bets are off.


Grammar Is as Grammar Does


Great Space Movies for Your Homeschool