secular homeschool magazine 2022

home/school/life magazine

Secular. Thoughtful. Ad-free. Subscribe to get a quarterly burst of inspiration and information for your homeschool — plus access to special podcast episode, homeschool workshops, and more.

home/school/life secular homeschool magazine
home/school/life secular homeschool magazine
home/school/life secular homeschool magazine

“A great place to find all sorts of goodies that homeschoolers will love... book reviews, unit studies, curriculum reviews, inspiration, encouragement, and so much more!”


  • What is your homeschool dealbreaker? and other questions that can revolutionize your homeschool life

  • Everything you need to know to start, build, and maintain the secular homeschool group of your dreams

  • How to raise self-directed learners (even if your kids don’t seem naturally inclined that way)

  • What it’s like to say goodbye to your homeschooling days

  • Why trusting your instincts is the first step to your best homeschool life

  • And lots more!

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