how to identify your child's learning style

 Figure out how your child learns.

Every child has a dominant learning style, a way that he best absorbs and processes information, explains Kristin Redington Bennett, Ph.D., assistant professor of education at Wake Forest University, in Winston-Salem, N.C. One of the great perks of homeschooling is that once you identify how your child learns best, you can tailor your lesson plans to your child’s strengths. So take some time now to pay attention to your child’s learning habits — not just when he’s working to solve math problems but also when he’s playing video games, putting away laundry, building with toys, and engaging in other everyday activities.

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What if my child doesn’t fit neatly into one of these categories?

Don’t worry—the idea isn’t to fit your child into a tidy little box but to think about the ways she learns best. Experiment with different techniques, and you’ll land on a few that work great for your particular kid.