Get Organized!
Everything you need to know to find a routine, set goals, organize your space, and make 2019 your most organized homeschool year ever.
You don’t need to make planning complicated — these four strategies take minimal effort but will point you in the right direction for your homeschool.
It only takes a couple of hours to plan our homeschool year — thanks to this monthly check-in strategy.
“I love our homeschool life, but I feel like we’re get stuck in a pattern of being too school-y and losing all the homeschool fun.”
“I’m going back to work part-time, and I’m struggling with how to make our new schedule work with our homeschool life. Help!”
Shelli’s simple system lets her build a daily schedule that reflects her big-picture homeschool goals.
These four strategies won’t make lunchtime hassle-free, but they will free up your brain enough to worry about what you're going to do for dinner instead.
A mid-point review will propel your homeschool forward and help you tweak areas that need a little extra attention.
Small changes can make the biggest difference in your homeschool life. Here’s how to make this year your most satisfying yet.
Your homeschool is probably going better than you sometimes think it is.