How to Turn Homeschool Movie Days into Active Learning Days

how to turn homeschool movie days into active learning days

There's nothing wrong with a movie marathon, but sometimes, you need to kick it up a notch. If you're looking for a way to write your next movie day into your curriculum, we've got you covered with fun activities inspired by the movies.


WATCH: Edward Scissorhands
Tim Burton's story of fear and difference set in a technicolor suburban landscape may just be one of the great modern fairy tales.

DO: Soap carving
Get inspired by Edward's exotic topiaries and make your own sculptures with a butter knife and cakes of Ivory soap.


WATCH:: Home Alone
Come on, who doesn't dream about having the whole house to yourself every now and again?

DO: Indoor obstacle course
Build your own adventure with cushions, pillows, books, and whatever else you have lying around the house, inspired by Kevin's DIY home security system.


WATCH: The Gold Rush
Charlie Chaplin's chilly classic has some of the most iconic cold weather scenes in movie history.

DO: Pantomime show
Borrow Chaplin's silent movie style to create your own silent comedy show based on British holiday pantos.


WATCH: The Karate Kid
Choose your experience: the classic with Ralph Macchio as a misfit turned karate master or the newer version with Jaden Smith as a the karate kid.

DO: Karate
Rent a beginner's DVD, and turn your family room into a temporary dojo. If the horse stance proves a hit, you can sign up for real-life lessons.


WATCH: Treasure Planet
Disney's updated-for-the-space-age take on Stevenson's classic novel is surprisingly good.

DO: Have a treasure hunt
Make a map and send your young explorers in search of hidden treasure.


WATCH: Zathura: A Space Adventure
This underrated flick has all the qualities that director John Favreau would put to such great use in the blockbuster Iron Man.

DO: Make your own board game
All you need are markers, paper, and cardboard to create your own board game. Obviously, making all the rules is one of the best parts,


WATCH: The Gnome-Mobile
This hidden treasure of a film sends two children (yep, they're the kids from Mary Poppins) and their grandfather on a quest to help a gnome find a wife.

DO: Make a gnome habitat
You can occupy several hours creating a gnome garden complete with quirky inhabitants.

Amy Sharony

Amy Sharony is the founder and editor-in-chief of home | school | life magazine. She's a pretty nice person until someone starts pluralizing things with apostrophes, but then all bets are off.


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