Stuff We Like :: 2.26.16

home|school|life's Friday roundup of the best homeschool links, reads, tools, and other fun stuff has lots of ideas and resources.

around the web

This essay perfectly sums up what I love (and will miss) about Umberto Eco’s work: He was always the smartest person in the room but in the most inclusive way imaginable.

I think you know already that I will read pretty much anything about how and why words end up in dictionaries.

Delightful: The real history of the imaginary cocktail of the Galaxy


at home/school/life

in the magazine: I am currently viewing my way through so many Shakespeare movie adaptations that I might start speaking in iambic pentameter. (The best ones will end up in the spring issue.)

on the blog:How to find quiet amid the noise of homeschool life.

on pinterest: This tiny acorn tea set is adorable.


reading list

Have you ever noticed that if you reread one Diana Wynne Jones book, you want to go back and reread them all? I’m on Fire and Hemlock.

After our Top Chef: Masters marathon, I am reading my way through Rick Bayless’s Authentic Mexican cookbook, and I want to cook everything in it. (It’s almost more like an academic study of Mexican cooking than a traditional ooh-pretty-pictures cookbook, but I kind of like that about it.)

I have a shiny new copy of A Doubter’s Almanac that I can’t wait to start reading. (I guess that’s one of the benefits of making reading for pleasure more of a priority—lots of new books!)


at home

I took a break from my Zick Zack scarf (it’s a little over three feet long now, so it’s getting there!) to knit this adorable baby headband with a bird on it for a first birthday present. (It's a high-reward, low-effort baby present, if you find yourself needing one!)

Jas and I watched The Worricker Trilogy on a whim, and it was fantastic. (I love how watching British television is all random star spotting: Rachel Weisz! Ralph Fiennes! Helena Bonham Carter!)

Have I mentioned how much time we’ve been spending playing Yoshi’s Wooly World? Because it’s kind of become a family obsession.

Amy Sharony

Amy Sharony is the founder and editor-in-chief of home | school | life magazine. She's a pretty nice person until someone starts pluralizing things with apostrophes, but then all bets are off.


Monday Pep Talk No. 27


At Home with the Editors: January Rewind