Stuff We Like :: 1.29.16

Shelli’s got a great roundup of stuff that’s making her family’s homeschool life happier this month.


in our homeschool

My eldest son hates to write with a pen or pencil, and he complains that his hand hurts. I’ve heard other homeschooling parents say their child has a similar problem, so I thought I’d share what is working for us right now. Calligraphy! I just bought him this calligraphy pen set, workbook, and paper, and now he likes practicing handwriting! He might just end up with the best handwriting in the house.


winning christmas present

My boys received several very cool and parent-appreciated gifts this Christmas, and one of my favorites is the Zoob 500 piece building set. We already had a 250-piece set, and I knew my boys, especially my six-year-old, would love to have more pieces. He is always building things and using them to play make-believe, and as I suspected, the extra pieces are being put to good use.


around the web

on the blog: I love Lisa’s Making Your Wellness a Priority

on the web: As an introvert and a parent of introverts, I think this course, Parenting Quiet Kids, looks very interesting. I don’t know that I’ll sign up, so if you do, please let me know what you think!



I’m reading Treasure Island to my nine-year-old. The vocabulary can be very difficult, and I have to explain a lot to him, but it’s also a swashbuckling good time.

We received My Father’s Dragon for Christmas, and both my boys love it! It’s very hard to find books that engage both the nine-year-old and six-year-old at the same time, so if you have any suggestions similar to this book, please let me know.

For my adult read, I’m enjoying The Best American Travel Writing 2013. My friend loaned it to me, and she said each chapter felt like going on a little trip. I agree.



Our most current beloved documentaries: Ocean Giants (Netflix) and Life (Netflix) by BBC and narrated by David Attenborough. Both of these have multiple episodes!

For fun: Chopped (One collection is on Netflix.)

For my alone time: Downton Abbey (Amazon Prime)


Monday Pep Talk No. 23


The Joy of Following Your Kids’ Passions