Stuff We Like :: 12.8.17
Happy Birthday to Jason! And happy almost-Hanukkah!
The SEA homeschool conference is coming to Atlanta in 2018, and you can score a great price on tickets right now. Please come hang out with me so I don't have to be socially awkward all by myself! :)
around the web
Dante’s nine circles of hell reimagined for linguistic transgressions (Avoid the sixth circle!)
Hear, hear, International Research Society for Children’s Literature: “IRSCL also knows that, in the current geopolitical climate, we cannot take for granted the values of intellectual freedom, scholarly expertise, careful and evidence-based argument and reflection, and the capacity to be open to contrary views, as substantiated through international exchange and collaboration. These values need ongoing articulation, implementation and defense, both within our own ranks and in global society at large.”
Relevant to my interests: The history of the packaged sandwich in Britain
Are we coming to the end of the social media age? (And is that maybe a good thing?)
at home/school/life
on the blog: I always love Suzanne’s book lists, but now that she’s reading all these haunted house books, my TBR list is basically exploding
also on the blog: Gift ideas for your favorite Nancy Drew fan (hint, hint)
one year ago: Books for everybody on your shopping list
two years ago: The Lazy Parent’s Guide to Holiday Cheer
three years ago: Driving Lessons: A Homeschool Mom's View from the Passenger's Seat
reading list
I’ve got an awesome stack of books waiting on my night table now that the semester is wrapping up: The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street, recommended to me by a fellow homeschooler, and Angela Thirkell’s High Rising, which Suzanne assures me will make me feel better about the state of the world while I am reading it.
I’ve also got a few books to tackle for next semester, including SPQR, which I am excited to reread. (If you are a fan of Roman history, I recommend this one — well, I recommend anything by Mary Beard. She’s awesome.)
Suzanne is putting together her best books of 2017 list, and I cannot wait to read it. Because obviously I need a longer list of books I need to read.
at home
Jason’s school is wrapping up its first full semester, and I feel like I should have some pithy wisdom about what it’s like to start a hybrid high school. I don’t, though. I expected it to be a lot of work, and I wasn’t wrong about that, but I was surprised by how much I fell in love with all the students and how completely exhausted I am at the end of every school day. If you want to start a project like this, I think the key is to be totally, 100-percent passionate about it — Jason and Shelly definitely are, and that passion has seen us over a LOT of humps.