Take a Peek at Our Fall Class Schedule!

home/school/life magazine's online homeschool classes for fall! :)

Oh, my gosh, you guys, I am so excited about the fall classes we’re offering through home/school/life! I think about what these kinds of classes would have meant to me as a slightly-too-well-read teenager longing to connect with other people who shared my obsessions, and I feel so incredibly fortunate to be able to play a role in creating that kind of learning experience for homeschoolers. Our fall class lineup is full of nerdy goodness, from creating your own apocalypse to discovering the meaning of life to giving stink-eye to fairy tale conventions to making sense of Doctor Who’s ethics and more! Here’s your sneak peek at what’s coming this fall. (Classes start after Labor Day and continue through December 5, with a break for Thanksgiving.)

(A note: We describe these classes as “academically rigorous” because we do expect students to complete weekly reading and viewing assignments and to participate in class discussions. These are Socratic classes that run on student engagement and participation. They are definitely not traditional classroom classes nor should the workload be stressful or overwhelming.)


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