Homeschooling in the News: Your Weekly Update

Homeschooling in the News: Your Weekly Update

The PISA results are in, and once again, the United States’ student test scores look pretty grim compared to those from other developed countries. The test, taken by 15-year-olds from 69 different countries, shows that nearly a third of the U.S. test participants aren’t hitting minimum math competence. 

Obviously, many factors come into play when it comes to these kinds of numbers, but the O.E.C.D., which analyzes the test data, does have a few notes. “Generally speaking, the smartest countries tend to be those that have acted to make teaching more prestigious and selective; directed more resources to their neediest children; enrolled most children in high-quality preschools; helped schools establish cultures of constant improvement; and applied rigorous, consistent standards across all classrooms.”

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Questions about homeschoolers participating in public school extracurriculars continue to pop up—this week, in West Virginia, where some parents want to open up public school extracurricular activities to private school students and homeschoolers. If you’re in WV, here’s your chance to weigh in.

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And finally: College acceptance letters are so 2015.

The University of Wisconsin at Green Bay is sending its college acceptances out via Snapchat. Yes, this means students are now forced to pose with screenshots for their “look-where-I-got-in” selfies, though if they’re willing to wait a few extra days, the full acceptance packet will arrive in their mailboxes the old-fashioned way.

Amy Sharony

Amy Sharony is the founder and editor-in-chief of home | school | life magazine. She's a pretty nice person until someone starts pluralizing things with apostrophes, but then all bets are off.


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