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home | school | life magazine reaches a smart. diverse group of thoughtful homeschool families four times a year, with information-rich issues that readers refer back to year after year.
We include a limited number of advertisers from secular companies whose missions align with ours in each issue. We do not trade editorial coverage for advertising dollars or accept free materials in exchange for reviews. (We do sometimes receive copies of curriculum materials or upcoming books for consideration, but this does not influence whether or not we decide to include something in the magazine. The only factor in that decision is whether the material is useful and engaging for homeschoolers.) We know we're kind of weird about this, and our vigilance about editorial integrity can seem stand-offish to companies who have gotten used to native advertising. But it's important to us that our readers be able to trust that we're including the best resources for homeschoolers in the magazine—not just resources from companies who can afford to buy ads.
Lucky for us, we've been able to connect with a few great advertisers whose products we can wholeheartedly get behind and who respect our editorial integrity and our readers. If you're interested in learning more about advertising opportunities in home | school | life, please email, and someone will get back to you. Thanks for thinking of us!